How To Submit To Any Publication
You ask a great question, Jerry Harshman. Publications are the key to gaining exposure on Medium, especially after their most recent changes. Where curation used to be the key, getting accepted into larger publications should be the sole focus of any aspiring writer on Medium.
I would recommend that you do some research on what publications are available.
Here’s a link regarding the top 50 publications on Medium.
Start by choosing a few publications to submit your work to.
Check the about section, see if there are any specific requirements, and become a writer for the said publication.
Why Drafts Matter
When it comes to submitting your work, I’d always recommend submitting it in draft form for two reasons.
Reason #1
Submitting your draft to a publication allows the editor to proofread and (if necessary) edit your work. They may change the title, subtitle, image, or rephrase to reach their audience better.
Reason #2
Medium’s algorithm works on a first-come-first-serve basis, which means that drafts are more likely to pop up on the front page after being submitted in draft form. By submitting published articles, it becomes more likely that the post will get lost in a sea of others’ work.
How To Submit A Draft
Last but not least, to submit a draft — you’ll need to use a computer — start by opening up the post that you want to submit. Somewhere near the top right corner, there should be three subsequent dots. Click on them to find a list of options, specifically, to submit to a publication.
First, however, you’ll need to be added as a writer for the specific publication you want to write for. To do so, simply look up the publications in your specific niche’ and ask to become a writer (use the link above to help identify publications in your niche’).
You also have the option of creating your own publication, which takes hard-work but can pay off in the long-run.
I hope this helps. Cheers!